Marcus was a wonder kid. And he had this title not because he was wonderful, but because he was always wondering.

  One day, he had a sudden thought if he was actually being filmed. At first, he was quite frustrated about being telecasted without his permission, but when he realized thousands of people were turning on their televisions just to watch him, he felt kind of great.

  Whenever Marcus felt his life was getting boring, he would do something unique and usually dumb to entertain whoever was watching him.

  Sometimes he wondered if all the surrounding people were actually humans, or some robots being controlled by an unknown person. So occasionally, Marcus would keep checking on the suspicions.

  He thought his parents were also robots. And if they indeed were, he was determined to get something in return for putting in a lot of effort for all the greeting cards he made for their birthdays! And speaking of robots, he couldn’t understand why there were so many batteries in the dustbin every time. But his suspicions quite explained the reason for that.  

Marcus, not only wondering, but was also improving from his experiences. He realized that all the main characters of shows had their distinct dialogues which they kept telling every now and then. So he came up with his own one, which he usually told in random conversations without making any sense.

Later, he thought, I’ll make my own merchandise with my statement on every single product. I’d be very rich!


It was almost a few months after he had all these thoughts when he began to realize he wasn’t getting filmed because he found no evidence. But he wondered if people outside this planet were watching him!

  This thought made him even more conscious. He’d always wondered why flies had those big eyes, so he made himself pretty clear that they were actually high techs cameras being operated by the aliens. And whenever he got a chance alone with the flies, he would make sure he acted as friends with the aliens.

  Recently, there was a malfunction in Marcus’s mobile. As he was pretty storage-minded, he didn’t keep any backup. And thus, all the data on his phone was gone. Soon after, he became way more mindful as he factually thought everyone around him will also malfunction as his phone and would leave him forever!

  But his wonders didn’t go on without obstacles. Once he was told by his mom that his great-grandmother, who had passed away, was watching from heaven. He did feel quite happy about receiving extra protection from someone not alive, but there were quite a few places he needed privacy (especially in the bathroom!) But every time Marcus thought about this, he assured himself that he would get his payback with his great-grandchildren if that was the case, anyway.


I understand this story has no moral and was written just to please my wandering mind. Anyway, thank you for reading, and hope you liked it!

Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of my imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. || Contents of this story should not be reproduced in any manner without permission.


Naag · October 9, 2021 at

generally excellent story. So relatable to me ha

    Sri Praneeth P · October 9, 2021 at

    Thanks, Naag. Relatable to me too 😀

Chandhana · October 9, 2021 at

Awesome story praneeth. Very good creativity and thought process. Keep it up

    Sri Praneeth P · October 9, 2021 at

    Thank you 🙂

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