Collab with Roshini, Literary Co-Capt.✨ Another occasion, the question arose,“How are you today?”The girl’s fake smile, it never shows,“I’m fine,” she says anyway. With a smile and wave, her eyes meet,Yet inside, there’s a weight, heavy and deep.She hides it well, this burden she bears,But inside, it’s crushing, too heavy Read more…


Collab with Tejaswini✨ A world that sees her smiling grace,She hides the tears she can’t erase. A smiling mask, a masquerade so well played,Hides the void within, where emotions fade. Emotionally hollow, she bears the weight,Behind that mask, her heart’s true state. She laughs and plays her part so well,But Read more…


When you don’t fit, when they divide,In a world where sameness they abide. Among familiar faces, I’m a bit unknown,Lost in a big crowd, feeling all alone. Within my weary soul, a sense of lack,Longing for acceptance, under their attack. My thoughts wander, they don’t align,A solitary path is what Read more…

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