In a small town in India called Gokul, there were two boys named Arjun and Rohit. Arjun loved studying and dreamed of becoming a famous scientist. Rohit was naturally smart and always got top grades without much effort.

Arjun studied hard everyday, spending long hours reading books and solving Math problems. He believed that if he worked hard enough, he could beat Rohit in academics.

Rohit, on the other hand, breezed through his studies. He seemed to understand concepts effortlessly and always aced his exams.

One day, there was a big science competition in Gokul, and both Arjun and Rohit decided to participate. Arjun worked tirelessly on his project, conducting experiments and researching new ideas. He was determined to win and prove that hard work could beat talent.

At the science competition, Arjun presented his project with confidence, explaining his experiments and findings to the judges. However, when it was Rohit’s turn to present, everyone was amazed by his brilliance. His project was innovative and well thought out, and the judges were impressed.

In the end, Rohit won the competition. He left Arjun feeling disappointed and discouraged. Arjun couldn’t understand how someone who didn’t work as hard as him could still come out on top.

does hard work really beat talent


Were you surprised by the climax? Well, that might be because as kids, we’re always told that hard work beats talent.

However, in most cases, it is NOT true. Hard work beats talent, but only until the talented starts working hard.

This is not something you might want to hear, but something you need to hear. This post is not to discourage you from working hard, but to encourage you to work harder in the right way.

You can work as hard as you want and still end up performing poorly. “Hard work beats talent” is usually seen as a statement of hope. People see talent as something special that some people are born with, like a gift from their genes. They don’t bother to investigate what talent really is. It’s just being good at learning and understanding things quickly, which some people do naturally. And because people don’t realize how they do it, they call it talent.

People prefer things explained in simple terms, so they don’t want to think too much about what talent really means or if they can become talented through practice. It’s easier for them to believe that putting in long hours of hard work is the only way to succeed. But when you actively pay attention to how you’re improving yourself, you can achieve even more than just talent.

This is a competitive world that we live in. It’s easy to get carried away by the competition, especially when you’re competing against naturally gifted people. Yet, when you bluff yourself that there is no competition and only focus on yourself, that is when your skills can blossom.

Hard work can compete with talent when the hard work is put in optimally, meaning that if you as a student study 10 hours a day, you might still not beat the academically gifted topper.

But if you know when to take breaks and how to study effectively, you might stand a chance. That is why the way you work hard is important. Figure out how to work smartly, and once you’ve done that, work hard using smart methods. This is the ONLY way to stay ahead of the competition.

Keep grinding hard and smart — that’s the only thing under your control. Fall in love with the process, because one can never beat a person who loves what he is doing.


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Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of my imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. || Contents of this story should not be reproduced in any manner without permission.


Swapna · April 3, 2024 at

Nice one. Keep going

    Sri Praneeth P · April 3, 2024 at

    Thank you, Aunty 😀

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    Sri Praneeth P · September 17, 2024 at


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