Not quite a long time ago, there was a girl named Aadhya. She was very mischievous and was sometimes mean to her friends, parents, relatives, and teachers. She didn’t care to obey them.

  One day, Aadhya went to the park without asking her parents’ permission as she knew that her parents wouldn’t allow her to go alone. She was playing hide-and-seek with her friends and other children there. She hid in a lonely place behind thick bushes where none could see her.

  Aadhya’s friends searched and searched for her, but could not find her. At last, they got very tired, and thus they gave up and shouted, “Aadhya wherever you are, we are giving up. It’s also getting dark, so we are going home now.” Aadhya thought that this was her friends’ trick to find her. She continued to hide at that place and didn’t come out. Her friends went back to their homes.


Soon it became very dark. When Aadhya didn’t come back home, her parents started to worry. They were so worried that they proceeded to the police station and made a missing person complaint. The police started to search for Aadhya. They went to her friends’ homes and enquired about her. Her friends informed them that Aadhya was hiding in the park and that even they could not find her.

  In the park, as it was dark and lonely, Aadhya was getting scared. She was so terrified that she couldn’t gather the fortitude to come out and go back home.

  After some time, the police and Aadhya’s parents reached the park, searching for her. When she heard the police and her parents, she came out of her hiding and started crying. Her parents sighed in relief seeing her. They consoled her and asked her to tell them the whole story.

  Consequently, Aadhya narrated the entire occurrence.

  She was very sorry for her behavior as she had bothered everyone a lot. She promised that she would never neglect her parents and teachers, and would never ever do anything that might hurt herself and others.


Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of my imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. || Contents of this story should not be reproduced in any manner without permission.


Naaina · October 5, 2021 at

I read this to my son, and it was superb. Thanks for posting this !

    Sri Praneeth P · October 5, 2021 at

    Most welcome 😀

Nora · October 5, 2021 at

Very good story.

    Sri Praneeth P · October 7, 2021 at

    Thanks, Nora 🙂

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